Here is where you find the details for the latest events happening at St Jax.


Daniel lent prayer

Every Wednesday during Lent, 3 times a day
7:30am - 9am
12pm - 12.30pm
6 pm - 6.30pm


Listening prayer evening

Thursday May 29th, 5:30-8:30pm, Sanctuary

  • 5:30 -6:20 pm: Light Potluck supper, bring something simple to share, bring your own plates and utensils to reduce cleanup time.

  • 6:30-8:30 pm:  Worship, listening, sharing what we are sensing the Lord is saying

  • Please bring a notepad and pen to write down what you feel the Lord is saying to share later

  • Next listening prayer - Thursday June 19th. Save the date!

easter choir, led by Eva Hassel

Rehearsals starting March 23rd after the service
Performance at the Easter Sunday service


Tuesday evenings at 6.30pm, starting March 11th


every Sunday at 9.30am in the Sanctuary

Join us for a time of in-person, intentional prayer, where our team will lift up specific requests. While this is a public gathering, all individual prayers remain private, as is our custom at St. Jax.


Our next Alpha course will run in the fall of 2025

weekday prayer

Wednesdays at 7.30am

Prayer is an essential part of life at St Jax. We meet online every every Wednesday to pray together. Join us on Zoom.


For anyone interested in deepening their faith and friendships. St Jax will match you with a host and groups will meet over a shared meal.

Groups are no more than 8 people and meet 4 times per year (or more if your group is able!). Your host will coordinate directly with you to organize dates and food.


We couldn’t do it without you - Thank you for your ongoing financial giving. We so appreciate your support and generosity.