St Jax Montreal is a parish church within the Anglican Diocese of Montreal and incorporated under the Church Temporalities Act of 1852. The church is registered as a Charity with the Canada Revenue Agency #867579161RR0001 and a Corporation with the Province of Quebec #1171968911. Our Bishop is the Rt. Rev'd Mary Irwin-Gibson and she has appointed The Rev'd Graham Singh as the Priest Incumbent of the parish. An annual meeting of the church's active and baptised members is held in February of each year and is known as the 'Annual Vestry'.

Officers are elected at this meeting and these are currently Kevin Falk and Danica Meredith as Church Wardens and Michael Smith CA CPA as Treasurer. Our priest and officers also serve as directors of our charitable corporation.


Annual reports


2024 Annual Report

2023 Annual Report

2022 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

2020 Annual Report

2019 Annual Report - Including Bishop's reinstatement of normal operations of the parish

2018 Church Planting Report

2016-2019 Church Plant - During a special period of Church Planting from January 1st 2016 until 2nd February 2020, the Corporation of the Church of St James the Apostle was governed directly by the Anglican Diocese of Montreal. During this period, a new shortened and bilingual 'operating' name was created, St Jax Montreal.

2015 Church Closure - As part of a long process of consultation, financial and capital planning, The Corporation of St James the Apostle invited the Bishop of Montreal to initiate the closure of the church on 31st December 2015, with a view to allowing its corporation and building to become fertile ground for a new missional endeavour.

1864-2016 Archives for this period are available upon request from the Diocesan Archivist.